Wednesday 2 December 2009

Adventurous Art

About a month ago I was advised that I had to make some art. It all began with one of those innocent conversations (ok, whining) about too much free time and a touch of self-pity about being unemployed. Right out of the blue....when I least expected it....that swift kick that launched me into a flurry of activity. I was informed that 'we' were going to have an art show on December 1! But not just any old art show. This was going to also be a fund raising event with a portion of the proceeds going to help the local Center for Women in Transition. The show would have 4 artists and we were going to show jewelry, paintings, handbound sketchbooks, mosaic pieces and some sundry other pieces. No pressure! Gotta love great friends...right? Thanks Joan.

I needed some inspiration so I allowed myself a trip to Barnes and Noble (which is a very dangerous place for me to be so I ration my visits) and, of course, while I was in the art section, a book leapt off the shelf into my hand. It was one of those 'how-to' books for encaustic painting. I fell in love! The process wasn't that hard to figure out, start-up costs were rather low, results are immediate and if the painting doesn't turn out...scrape it off and redo or paint over it and turn it into something else. Does that fit my style or what?

Well, the muses began their work on me...if only they would let me sleep normal hours! They are cruel and kind at the same time. How is that possible? But yet, it is! The amazing things that they show you in the wee hours....the flashes of inspiration that come with the tiredness! However, it's in the midst of this creative ebb and flow that I find the most energy and revitalization. Ok, so much for the digression...

The creative process also brought my sister and I into a collaborative effort. While Joan and I had some great ideas for hand painted leather clutch purses, neither one of us can sew a stitch...could that be an issue? (Hey, I'm the woman who glued roman shades for the front windows of my previous house!) So, I asked my sister, Mary, for help...allowing for the fact that she is an incredible sewing designer and that I have been promising to stop over for a while now...perfect timing! We had a great couple of days sewing, painting and just hanging out together. We worked hard, slept well but, my gracious....she gets up at 5 am! Ok, to be fair, she made muffins and let me sleep until 10...thanks sis. The clutches turned out beautifully and we are working on a marketing strategy for them...more on that as we figure it out.

Last night was the art show. Although I stressed about it for the last couple of days I was blown away by the variety and amount of art we were able to present. What fun! Some of our jewelry even sold before the show opened...along with 2 commissions! However, the most gratifying part was that we could make a great donation to the Center for Women in Transition. I'm really grateful to be able to give as I have been blessed. Thank you to all who attended and made it possible!

Well, it is late, or early depending on your perspective, the muses are still talking and there is more art to do and so little time. Crank up the stove and show me the paint brushes!

Happy Creating!

Monday 1 June 2009

English BBQ

Kyrie and I walked to St. Walburges for church yesterday morning. It was quite interesting. Usually it is 'mass as usual' but yesterday things didn't go as smoothly as the priest would have liked. He dismissed the children to the sacristy but 2 latecomers were locked out. The deacon had to go and pound on the door to get the teacher to unlock it and let them in. About half way through the service, the organist had another engagement so he left and we had to sing acapella. When they were about to serve communion, the priest left the sanctuary. He came back in but the flow wasn't going very well. He explained later that the key to the tabernacle had been misplaced and he had to get it. At the benediction he said that he was dismissing us before anything else could go wrong.! Father Paul has a great sense of humor!

It was such a beautiful day for a walk to and from church! The sun was warm but just enough breeze to keep us cool!

At around 4PM we went to Graham and Barbara's house for a BBQ. Brats, burgers, chicken kabobs and drumsticks, salads, potatoes, apple pie with ice cream and later, Lancashire cheeses! I definitely overate!

Their back yard is on one of the Lancashire canals and boats were motoring up and down it all afternoon. It was so nice to sit in the sun and enjoy great food and great company! We all laughed when their neighbor decided to mow his lawn. We couldn't hear each other talk...we were in stitches! Fortunately, the 'yards' are about 15 x 20 and mowing doesn't take very long. They said he even trims it with a a kitchen shears! However, we got a bit damp when he turned on the sprinkler. It just added to the 'festivities'!

Today it is amazingly sunny!! There isn't a cloud in the sky! Hm....what am I doing inside on the computer? I think we will go for a walk.


Friday 29 May 2009


Wednesday Kyrie and I went to rained. It was also the day of the big championship match between Manchester United and Barcelona. Red shirts were EVERYWHERE!!! BTW, they lost.

We trained in and sat at Cafe Nero in Picadilly Gardens to get our bearings. Unfortunately the sat nav on the iPhone couldn't pick up a signal so we had to use the really small map on the back of the brochure for the Museum of Science and Industry. We knew it was going to be a hike to get to it but we were game. It seemed to get colder and wetter as we the wrong direction!! Manchester is an ancient city and the roads all curve because they followed the shape of the city wall. AND, they change names A LOT so when you think you are on one street, one block later you are on a different street.

Well, I ducked into a hotel and got a map and some directions from the very helpful concierge. We had just gotten back on the way and we were stopped by a young man asking us if we wanted to donate to a cause in Uganda. After we explained we were from the States, he told us about himself...his name is Philip, he is Scottish, graduated from St. Andrews College, his mom lives in Ireland and his dad is in the Netherlands. After a while his co-workers were giving him funny looks because he wasn't 'presenting the cause' and was just chatting. Nice kid but he didn't get any money out of us....too many years in a Dutch town, not all wasted!

We took our leave and got back on track. However, by that time there wasn't enough time to make it to the museum, actually see the exhibits and then be back to meet Winn for lunch. So we decided to...what else....SHOP!!!

We went into this one shop that had only designer stuff...Gucci, Prada, blah, blah. Wow, I don't know, but when a little dress that has only about a yard of material costs about £'s a bit out of whack. I had no idea that the just 'thrown together' look could cost so much. I've been doing it on a Meijer/Wal-Mart budget for a long time now and I guess I'm a bit out of touch.
Anyway, we did find a really good sale at Primark and got 3 items for just £5.

We met Winn back at Picadilly Gardens at the statue of Queen Victoria. From there we walked to one of his favorite restaurants for a 'rice and three'. Kyrie wasn't feeling so well all morning but managed to eat a chicken tikka with salad on a naan. I had what Winn had....boiled rice, chick peas, with chicken and lamb curries. It was really good! The restaurant is just a little hole in the wall place but they do a screaming business.

In the afternoon Kyrie and I went to the Manchester City Art Museum. It was quite nice and we enjoyed being in a warm building. There was one pair of women about my age that really got to be annoying. The blonde one kept stepping in front of us and talking to her friend all about the would think she was an expert except she kept taking pictures of the artwork with a flash camera phone!! At first I thought about telling her how that damages the old canvas but I thought it would be more entertaining to just let her get caught by security. Sure the next room the guard told her to stop it.....twice....apparently she didn't understand what he was talking about the first time. The last time I saw her she was sitting on a bench sulking. I had to was entertaining!

Kyrie and I walked back to the train station around 3:30 PM. It wasn't raining anymore and it had warmed up some. We both took a brief nap when we got back to Preston and it felt good.

Winn stayed late in Manchester to play a game of 'footie' with some friends. He's very stiff and sore now but he says it felt good to play again.

Well, today has been absolutely gorgeous!!! 70+ and sunny all day. Kyrie and I even got a chance to sit in the sun this morning. I'm actually a bit sunburned! It's supposed to be nice this weekend too...bonus!!

This afternoon we took the bus into the city center to the Town Hall. I've got to get an appointment with the Citizen's Advice Bureau which is the first step in getting my visa. They are an all volunteer organization that suffers from limited hours and staff shortages...they actually say that on their answering machine....but in a posh accent and it sounds great! But it has been frustrating getting in touch with them to say the least. I'll just keep pestering and we'll get this show on the road. Hm...maybe there could be a job in reorganizing the Citizen's Advice Bureau!!!'s time to take Rosie for a walk along the canal to the park. She is quite insistent that it's time to go!!! So, until next time.....

Sunday 24 May 2009

Sunday...Sunny Day

Today was the first real sunshiney day yet. There have been glimpses of the sun in between the rain but today it was absolutely beautiful!

We went to church at St. Walburges again today. The priest said that he wouldn't even preach because it was too nice and he wanted the congregation to get out and enjoy it!

After the visit for tea with Jo McDonnell, Winn's best friend's 82 year old mother, we went home for a roast dinner. I have to say, it wasn't my best effort. I'm still getting used to the difference of English beef and the way they measure oven temperature. I found out that Gas Mark 4 is 350 F so, now I have a reference point. Yup, I overcooked was a great piece of meat too!!! We got it fresh from the butcher shop yesterday...oh well, better luck next time.

Winn and I sat out in the sun in the back 'garden'...essentially a fenced in paved patio with a gated entrance to the alley. It sure felt great!!! After a walk in Haslan Park with Rosie, we went to watch the sunset over the Irish Sea on the quayside (pronounced 'keyside') in St. Annes. I'll try to upload some of the pictures I took....but since I'm still figuring this out it might be a gamble!

We drove through Blackpool on the way back...we may visit there tomorrow on Bank Holiday when Tracey (Winn's oldest daughter) and her partner Jimmy come over from Manchester for the day.

Oh, and wish me luck...I'm going to bake a cake!

Until next time.....wishing all of you well!!!

Sunday 17 May 2009

Landed in Manchester on Thursday morning at around 7:30AM GMT. Winn met us and we took the train back to Preston. It felt good to be back. Commence mission UNPACK.

Kyrie was not happy with me beginning at...oh, say, the beginning of the trip. All 4 of our check on bags weighed around 50 pounds each and, I admit, it was difficult to schlepp them around. Derek helped us to load the car and drove us to Michigan City to catch the South Shore Line into VanBuren station. The train was brand new and extremely nice! The conductor..not so nice. He shoved a bag up onto the train and it hit Kyrie's foot and split her toenail. He admitted to us later that he was angry at us when he saw our bags...and he got mad again when a handicapped girl boarded at the next stop. Which meant that we had to move all our luggage, since he told us to put them in the handicap space!! He laughed at us each time we had to move them...what a putz!

In Chicago we ran into a rain storm and got much for good hair....but bless Nick, Kyrie's boyfriend, who risked life and limb to pick us up on Michigan Ave and drive us to O'Hare!

The flight was good in that there were no real incidents. Since we were a bit delayed on the ground (the south runways had flooded) we sort of beelined across the Atlantic and didn't go quite as far north as usual.

Customs was a bit interesting. The border guard kept asking me questions and more questions. You know that commercial that says...Never let them see you sweat!..? Well, I was sweating pretty good by the time he was finished. End result...he stamped our passports and no further incidents occured.

We trained to Preston...they have such nice trains here!!! We got a black cab back to the house and the cabbie kept joking about how the bags must have been packed by women!! Grrrr...

Kyrie had her first Indian cuisine on Friday night at the King Korai...Winn's favorite restaurant. She handled it very well! Last night we went for dinner to the Lane Ends Pub where we met Graham, Winn's brother, Barbara - Graham's wife, and Richard - their son. We had...what else....cheeseburgers!! I'm still irritated that Kyrie got more chips than I did. ;-)

This morning we went to church at St. Walburge's in Preston. It's a beautiful old gothic cathedral. They are currently renovating it and when it's finished it should be amazing again. The acoustics in it are gorgeous!

After church we went to Jo McDonnell's house for tea. She is the mother of Winn's best friend, Mac. We saw Jo at church and after mass she just started walking away with Kyrie...oh yes, we were going for tea! Winn says she is the most powerful woman in England...her invites are not to be turned down. What a great time! Mac and his wife Marion and their two daughters, Helen and Rosie were there too. We laughed so much! Mac and Winn should do stand up comedy! When we left Jo made me promise to take Winn around to see her more often. I promised...hey, she may be in her 80's but she could break me like a twig!

This afternoon we walked with Rosie - Winn's dog - around the park until it started to rain. We headed home to roasted chicken and potatoes. It tasted amazing!! I tried to call folks at home but only got answering machines. So, now we're just chillin'.

Tomorrow Winn goes in to work on the early train so Kyrie and I are on our own...look out Preston...Yanks on the loose!!!

Well, that's all for now! More updates later!

Friday 8 May 2009

Well, here I am...graduated and all. Now the real work begins...finding a job. But I have to get my visa sorted before Winn and I can get married so I can get a job in the's a limbo cycle for a minute.

We moved Kyrie out of the college apartments today. It was quite fun one thought we could fit all her stuff in the bug but...TA DA...we did!!! The security guard was duly impressed. Good thing we didn't get a ticket for obstructed vision!!

So, now the work is to get unpacked and repacked for England. We are both really excited about going there....for different reasons!!! I'm excited about beginning my new life with Winn and Kyrie is excited about experiencing life in a different culture. I forgot to tell her about the English to English dictionary she'll need to understand what's being said!!! Oh well, we have 'great accents' and a lot gets forgiven by that.

But, for this weekend we will enjoy Tulip Time. We both really love the sights and sounds and junk food...we're bad!!! In fact she is practically pulling me out of JP's right now!

Off we find the fab corn dog and elephant ears and cotton candy!!!! OH YEA BABY!!! I'm counting on a sugar coma for sure!

I can lose the weight next week, right?

Tuesday 21 April 2009

It's the morning after.....
I finished the final presentation but ended up pulling an all-nighter to do it. Fortunately, I only had to do a handful of all-nighters during my time here. The presentation went well. I had the benefit of wise counsel for the script....thanks Winn....and great photoshop advice...thanks Kesha.

Now it's just a few last things to do....finish and print the booklet for Land Use class which will be fun, catch up on homework assignments for Structures class and write the design essay...only 500 words...which may be more challenging than I anticipate.

Then it's all about packing up my life and moving on. Some of my classmates have spent 1/5 of their lives here at campus but now, without job offers, many are moving back home. For me this was a transitional time...the first step of a move from Holland to across an ocean. Looking back, I'd do it all over again...I'd change the way a few of the studios are run...but I'd do it again. It was worth it.